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Karma Karuna Buddhist Centre, Lunas

Karma Karuna Buddhist Centre, Lunas, Kedah was established on 1st August 1995. The setting up of the Centre has greatly benefited those who are interested in practising Tibetan Buddhism in the region.

The Centre's Resident Master, Venerable Lama Khedtup Rinpoche came from a long distance away from Malaysia - from Nepal - with the aim of establishing and building up the Centre as a place for spreading Buddhism and to guide and lead the devotees onto the right path of Buddhist practices. Under the close guidance of the Resident Master, many devotees have already started to engage in the Four Foundation practices.

Being a legal organisation in Malaysia an application for registration was made to the appropriate department for their consideration. In 1998, the Registrar of societies officially approved the Centre for registered under the Societies Act 1966. A Certificate of Registration was then issued.

Dharma Activities at the Centre
The Centre, at present is holding its weekly programs as below:

Time Programme / Activities

Weekly Events
Every Tuesday 8.30 pm - Chanting of Four Arms Chenrezig;
Every Thursday 8.30 pm - Chanting of Amitabha and Medicine Buddha;
Every Saturday 8.30 pm - First and Second Foundation Practice.

Beside these, the Centre also holds once a week on Wednesday evenings a teaching, either on the Four Foundations and an other Dharma talk.

Monthly Events
At every month end, an Eight Precepts full day (from 7 am till 6 pm) chanting program is held regularly.

The Centre also holds a special puja once a month.

On every New and Full Moon, the Centre emphasises the Buddhas' teachings on compassionate by releasing lives and some other Dharma good deeds and motives like feeding fishes in river etc.

Special Annual Events
Other activities include:
Ching Ming and Chang Chok Lamp Offering and Puja during the 4th and 7th month of Chinese calendar respectively;
Mahakala puja before Chinese New Year;
Chanting of Four Arms Chenrezig Sadhana on New Year Eve;
Smoke Offering Puja together with flags hanging procession on the 13th day of Chinese New Year etc.

The Master also holds Fire Puja and Smoke Offering upon devotees' requested places

The Centre also devotes some welfare contributions every three months to the social needy.

A Brief Introduction to Venerable Lama Khedtup Rinpoche
Venerable Lama Khedtup Rinpoche was born in the year 1955 in West Tibet. In 1961, during the communist occupation, Lama Rinpoche together with his family left for Nepal and built their permanent residence there. At the age of twelve, he was ordained by Venerable Drudsing Rinpoche and began his Buddhism Studies Training at that time.

Lama Khedtup Rinpoche

In 1973, Lama Rinpoche entered the renowned Sanskrit University in India. He spent nine years there pursuing his studies of Buddhist Philosophy. Upon completion of his study, he was awarded the Acharya Degree, which is equivalent to Master of Arts (MA.). Thereafter, he was offered a position as Grammar Teacher in one of the Tibetan Schools in Kathmandu Nepal for one year.

In 1984, at the request of Kunzig Shamarpa Rinpoche and the Late H.E. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Lama Rinpoche went to Rumtek Monastery to teach Grammar in Nalanda Institute for a duration of six months. He then returned to Pokhara to teach the monks in Jangchub Choeling Monastery at the request of Venerable Shangpa Rinpoche.

In 1985, he joined the Rumtek Retreat Centre to perform the Traditional Six Yogas of Naropa Retreat for three years and eight months. After the completion of the Retreat, he returned to Pokhara and became the Vajra and Discipline Master of Jangchub Choeling Monastery until 1993.

In 1993, Kunzig Shamarpa Rinpoche sent him to Kuala Lumpur Karma Kagyu Dharma Society in Malaysia, to be the Resident Master there until 1995.

After that he setup his own centre in Lunas, Kedah which is called Lunas Karma Karuna Buddhist Centre. Since then he has held many Buddhist Dharma activities at the Centre. In 1998, he was officially appointed as the religious advisor of Sungai Petani Karma Kagyu Dharma Society and he has since then held many Dharma activities in the states of Kedah and Penang.